Game updated to 1.5_20250125 version

v1.5 -> v1.6 (2025-01-25)

  • fixed: bug where a non-desired character was sneaking in into some event's content, causing a few options to not show up like ~50% of the time. Now, a proper replacement is done always before before actual parsing, just in case
  • fixed: bug where the 'Cursed' condition (mostly caused by 'mummies' in later content) was causing an infinite loop while resting, since being 'Cursed' doesn't allow restoring HP/SP and the game was waiting for that. Now game take this condition feature into consideration, allow full resting (thanks @shafkhan2001)
  • fixed: bug where spells adjusting elemental damage by a percentage (like the new 'Thunderclap', providing 150% air damage to target), were showing as single values, without percentage symbol '%'
  • fixed: bug where some item details were covering other details (mostly label covering values). Now, the label text shrinks (also showing '..' in the end) appropriately to show the entire value, which is the most important detail
  • fixed: bug where the game was crashing on cavern, in the center of 'Dry Plains', if any 'rune with strange glyphs' was placed in a character's hands, leading to a pointer-based crash. Now there are no issues where you put these items, that is, inventory or equipped slots or mouse, all places are considered on item checks
  • fixed: bug where rumors were sometimes not showing up through resident events, ending up with no text at all. This was caused by a few unsupported text characters getting in the content. Not only these few characters were removed (and wont ever added again in the content), but the game's engine can now detect these characters and replace them in-play (thanks @HARDENTH60)
  • fixed: bug where a missing item in shop, yet created and saved normally, was causing a crash when entering the shop and selecting 'buy'. Now, these items are checked and not considered if they're missing from save.dat (thanks @shafkhan2001)
  • fixed: bug where a shop was showing items of wrong / not-allowed types when selecting 'sell'
  • fixed: bug where the minimap (up-right) could be toggled while holding an item in mouse and showing item description in same place or when viewing the details of a spell, in the same part (up-right). Now, when you hold an item or viewing a spell, you can't toggle the minimap (up-right)
  • fixed: bug where not all magic skills were providing a starting spell on 'character creation', per skills and per profession, leading to magic skills kept hidden in skill selection. On this update, a lot of spells were implemented to fill this magic gap, at least on starting spells (thanks @shafkhan2001)
  • fixed: bug where selecting a monster from the list (while in combat) was allowed when a spell was highlighted / viewed already (through clicking the 'eye' button)
  • fixed: bug where monsters keep hitting the last remaining party character, even if the entire party (and last remaining character) is already dead
  • fixed: bug where plants were placed above water tiles, on the border unreachable sub-maps where these plants are randomply created/placed to give the impression of depth. Mostly noticable on 'Drakenmoor Flatlands' map where the river ends on the right side
  • fixed: bug where characters could not be created in 'character creation' page, not showing enough available skills (fewer than 3) for the player to choose from. This was leading to a lot of re-rolls until more/equal than 3 skills were available, a bad experience overall. Now, in such occurence, the system keeps re-rolling internally, until more/equal to 3 available skills are returned, allowing all character builds to continue (thanks @SkittishKavu1)
  • fixed: bug where prebuilt characters were showing only 1 or 2 skills (instead of default 3 skills) in 'character creation' page. In addition, the skill selection mechanism  was changed, having now a priority on weapon/armor/magic group opf skills first, then misc group of skills. This way, the created characters end up more useful for the early parts of the game (i.e. combat) where misc skills are useful longterm
  • fixed: bug where sometimes two selected skills were overriding each other in 'character creation' i.e. choosing bludgeon/survival/explore would only show two (2) skills instead, although allowing you to continue. The issue was mostly a rendering one i.e. the skills were passed correctly to the game in the end (thanks @qwert_44643)
  • fixed: bug where the level and skill advancing icons were not removed / re-positioned properly after visiting related character pages
  • added: minor improvements on item description block, fixing titles that were too big to fit. In such cases, the string breaks into a multiline string
  • added: a simple side quest on amphill that make use of a few misc items that were found on 'cult of wizards, hideout' and left unused (these items are the 'robes' of the cult of wizards). Side quest is simply a fetch / return and provide a few XP in the end
  • added: small graphical improvement on a chest, making it look more 'closed' while in closed state
  • added: monster 'Ogre' (can be found in new content)
  • added: monster 'Giant Rat' (can be found in new content)
  • added: monster 'Plague Rat' (can be found in new content)
  • added: ladders up / down similar to M&M world of xeen, in addition to stairs. Used in the coming content
  • added: a new feature "vines", two of them, to be used in underground dungeons, caverns etc. (can be found in new content)
  • added: monster 'Sea Dragon' (a very, very high level monster, that can be dealt through puzzle at that point; can be found in new content)
  • added: monster 'Morbid Shifter' (can be found in new content)
  • added: spell 'Poison Shield' (earth magic spell, can be used by cleric/paladin)
  • added: spell effect durations were increased in most spells, examples are Bless (10 turns), Iron Ward (4 turns) etc. and a couple spells were increased to 100 turns, mostly protective ones. This should make these spells more useful as they wont require frequent re-casting. More in "15.6. List" in RULEBOOK.pdf
  • added: minor graphical improvement on 'bolt of judgement' spell (better coloring, closer to camera and not so deattached from party)
  • added: improved minimap, adding a few extra symbols like traps, tombs etc. increasing the immersion and make the minimap more intuitive
  • added: improved features on 'Iron Garisson' dungeon (added armor stands, add wall torches, improved shackles)
  • added: improved graphically the 'potion' item, as shown in dungeon ground. Its now way more graphically consistent with the other inventory items
  • added: a 'reload' option is now available in all weapon shops of major cities (Amphill, Crimson Bay). This option checks your inventory items and also equipped items for all characters, for weapons that have 'uses' like bows / crossbows. In case any of them used 1 or more times, they can be reloaded here at half the price of the weapon they're used for. More in "9.4 Reload" in RULEBOOK.pdf (thanks @Jimbly, @Gabriel, @shafkhan2001, @qwert_44643)
  • added: now 'view spell' eye symbol shows a black outline when the mouse is hovered above it, indicating a clickable action that shows the spell details (wasn't that obvious before)
  • added: a few improved and more graphically consistent cutscenes, replaced older ones
  • added: improved and more graphically constistent tombstones, replaced older ones
  • added: another side-quest to 'amphill', where the party needs to deal with a few gangs spread around the city. Originally, there was one gang only and no side-quest at all. Now, this has developed to a full side-quest with a lot more battles and one that even has ties to major quest of 'Elder Evil'
  • added: updated the 'feed the wyrm' event in 'iron garrison' dungeon, showing now more feeding options, based on how many food units the party has. Also allowing two (2) ways to successfully feed the wyrm. This should make the puzzle more intuitive and logical to solve. Finally, made the 'wyrm' a lot stronger so it wont be easily defeated by fight
  • added: in addition to 'rain' weather, there's now also a 'snow' weather, adding a lot to immersion on iced maps that are coming
  • added: spell 'Courage' (initiate mental magic spell, can be used by paladin)
  • added: spell 'Magic Splash' (initiate water magic spell, can be used by cleric/paladin)
  • added: spell 'Protect From Evil' (initiate soul magic spell, can be used by cleric/paladin/wizard; also solves absence of soul spells for Wizard; can help on game's first high level dungeon 'Mad Wizard Mansion' against mummies)
  • added: now spells that affect elemental damage on a character's melee/ranged weapons (i.e. 'thunderclap' provides 150% air damage), will cause these items to 'glow' if they're equipped on that character, indicating a temporary enchantment by the spell. This improves the immersion of such spells which, otherwise, may go unnoticed
  • added: spell 'Blazing Strike' (initiate fire magic spell, can be used by paladin)
  • added: spell 'Chilling Gust' (initiate air magic spell, can be used by cleric)
  • added: spell 'Thunderstruck' (initiate energy magic spell, can be used by paladin)
  • added: spell 'Earthen Meal' (initiate earth magic spell, can be used by cleric/paladin)
  • added: now wall features such as coat of arms, shields and curtains are rendered in center, occupying most of the wall and be more constistent with other features such as shackles, paintings etc.
  • added: now in 'character stats' screen, stat affections added in a character from either a spell or item, can be merged under a single stat affection symbol (example the multiple condition immunities from spell 'protect from evil'). In addition, same stat affections i.e. 'Intelligence' modifier coming from different source (i.e. different spells or items) will be shown in their own stat affection symbol. This way, information is both minimized, being more practical and also more distinct against sources
  • added: now spells that are too long to be shown in selected magic skills in 'character creation' screen, are shortened by '..'
  • added: increased (doubled) the depth of randomly placed plants and trees on the border unreachable sub-maps, to give even more the impression of a seamless map and eliminate cases where the horizon seems a bit empty of anything
  • added: a few changes in professions, for balancing: barbarian (changed strong ability Power to Toughness, would cause less power but more tanking / more hp; changed weak ability Personality to Technique instead), cleric (changed his weak ability Power to Toughness, generating fewer hp but increasing in weapon handling/damaging), knight (changed his weak ability Intelligence to Perception). See more in '5.3. Strong / weak abilities' of RULEBOOK.pdf
  • added: a few more changes in professions, for balancing: knight (max expertise 'long axe' is grandmaster), ranger (max expertise 'shield' is adept, max expertise 'scaled armor' is adept, max expertise 'plated armor' is none, max expertise 'fitness' is adept, max expertise 'quickhand' is grandmaster), cleric (max expertise 'quickhand' is adept), wizard (max expertise 'quickhand' is adept), stealth (max expertise for all is 'adept', except ranger/thief which is 'grandmaster'). See more in '7.6 List' of RULEBOOK.pdf
  • added: profession 'Thief' is now added to available professions. More in '5. Professions' of RULEBOOK.pdf (thanks @qwert_44643)
  • added: now professions provide two (2) strong abilities, instead of one, further making each profession distinct by providing extra points on these abilities at character creation, opening a few more skills. In addition, the bonus from strong abilities has now decreased from 7 to 5, since you're getting two anyway and every strong ability will make sure ending to 20+, making a new skill available. In addition, the 'weak ability' is now showing up on 'professions' of character creation, to be sure what is keeping the profession down. See more in '5.3. Strong / weak abilities' of RULEBOOK.pdf
  • added: new mechanics 'Feats', which allows further built options for characters, including profession-specific feats. Feats are one-off benefits that can be selected (permanently) every X levels. A new symbol will be shown to notify when a character can select a new feat. In addition, a new page was developed in 'character pages' to handle / show feats per character. Also, a new key shortcut ('F') was added to switch on the 'feats' page, that can also be changed through game's settings. Finally, saves aren't affected at all, they will be updated on the next save. See more in new section '8. Feats' of RULEBOOK.pdf
  • added: new feats, 'Rage' (for barbarians), 'Silent Strike' (for thieves), 'Healing Light' (for clerics), 'Last Stand' (for knights)
  • added: a lighter-blue color on the introduction's text, making it easier to read (thanks @templar1138)
  • added: four new shortcuts (namely 'Target Char #0..3' in settings action mapping page) to target a character (1-4) when a targetable object (i.e. item or spell) has been selected. These four new keys (num 1-4) can be used, instead of mouse click on a portrait, to select the intended character, increasing even more the keyboard integration\
  • added: now when a character advances a level, a skill level or gains a feat, the character window buttons will also be differently colored (blue), along with the symbols blinking on their portraits, indicating the specific character page where the new features can be seen / gained


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